Launch of the All in One & Digital Cash Solutions by NBG Pay, the National Bank of Greece and EPSILON NET Group

NBG Pay and EPSILON NET Group announce the beginning of their collaboration, with the support of the National Bank of Greece, for the provision of comprehensive proposals in the field of acquiring business, with an emphasis on the All in One and e-commerce solutions.

The first solution, EPSILON ALL in ONE (PAX edition) aims to cover the needs of both small and medium enterprises and freelancers, including:

  • Epsilon Smart, the cloud app of electronic invoicing and commercial monitoring
  • Epsilon Digital, the Certified Electronic Invoicing Provider
  • PAX 920 Pro, the POS device with an Android operating system
  • the necessary interconnection, activation and support services

Adopting EPSILON ALL in ONE the end user is able to invoice, receive payments and issue receipts using a single device, in 3 simple steps.

Via the above solution, the company accepts transactions using payment cards though NBG Pay (acquiring business contract). The onboarding process in the acquiring business and the NBG Pay systems is accomplished with the help of the National Bank using both its digital infrastructure and the Branch Network.

NBG Pay having already completed its first successful stage of operation offering innovative fintech solutions for businesses, invests in strategic partnerships aiming to the gradual development of completed products and services for companies, providing secure payments solutions, speed and flexibility.

The strategic agreement with the rapidly growing EPSILON NET Group aims to further strengthen and support small and medium enterprises in Greece, creating an even wider range of innovative solutions in the field of payments.

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